Cotton is a natural fiber and is today one of the most used thanks to its qualities such as, its sustainability, durability, cooling effect in warmer temperatures and its broad usage.
As far as possible we have chosen to use organic cotton certified with the Global Organic Cotton Standard, GOTS. Organic cotton means that no toxic chemicals are used in the growing of the cotton. It has significantly lower impact on the environment since the production uses 71% less water, 62% less energy.
Decreased effects on global warming and less discharge of chemicals are some of the benefits with choosing organic certified cotton. In order to be certified with the GOTS standard the product must contain of at least 70% organic fibers.
All chemical inputs on the product, such as auxiliaries and dyestuff must meet certain criteria concerning environmental and toxicological aspects. Also the final choice of accessories is limited with ecological aspects. Water and energy usage during the production of the products must be reported and meet certain levels, requirements on social criteria based on the key norms of the International Labour Organisation(ILO) are followed in order to have your product GOTS certified.